Magical Zoom Book Party -
Calling all K-5 kids! Come spend a virtual afternoon lost in a magical world of unicorns, wizardry, and fairytales. After picking up a free Magic Tree House book and craft kit, tune into this online event for fun activities and a book discussion.
To Participate:
Pick up free Magic Tree House (Merlin Mission): Blizzard of the Blue Moon book & craft kit
This will include a QR code and meeting code to the zoom meeting!
When: Saturday November 28th 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Where: Downtown Redwood City Public Library (1044 Middlefield Rd)
Virtual Event Details:
Date: Log into zoom on Saturday, December 5th 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Where: Zoom meeting code will be included in the craft kit
Crafts and Other Activities to be completed during the event.
Crafts include a unicorn cup craft, unicorn mask, dance activity, coloring pages, word searches, mazes, and more!
Read the book beforehand!
Dress up as your favorite character in the book! (optional)
Recommended ages: 6-10
Questions? Email
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